96-ch DM powered and controlled by a single USB link

mmdm25 96 small OKO introduces a 96-channel 25.4 mm membrane deformable mirror with embedded control electronics. The device has sturdy compact enclosure with dimensions of 90 x 90 x 43 mm (volume is about 0.35 l), it is powered and controlled by a single USB link. The mirror features full deflection of 19 μm and maximum update rate of 2 kHz. With the development of this DM, OKO makes possible to build a complete AO system that does not require any external power supply, as all the power for the WF sensor and the DM is provided through available USB ports of the control computer, with total power consumption for a complete 96-ch AO system not exceeding 5 W. Please contact us if interested by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or using the contact form on the left side.



Video below shows two tests of the mirror. "Ramp": gradually increasing signal is applied to all actuators; "Rotate": maximum control signal applied to individual actuators one by one.