The FrontSurfer demo version

Click to download the latest Windows demo of The FrontSurfer. With this limited version of The FrontSurfer you can process previously saved hartmanograms with a maximum size of 320x240 pixels and maximum 19 spots. You can configure interfaces for the wavefront sensor (video capture) and deformable mirror, either using embedded options or loading a custom plugin; however both the video capture and the deformable mirror interface are disabled. This version also contains real-time simulations of the "alignment" mode and the closed-loop operation with a deformable mirror.

Click here to download the demo for Linux, version 1.0 (11.04.2001). This is a limited version of FrontSurfer where you can process previously saved hartmanograms with a maximum size of 320x240 pixels and maximum 19 spots. Starting from 2004 the Linux version is not supported; however, a complete Linux-based system (including computer) can be supplied on request.