OKO introduces low-cost 19-channel piezoelectric deformable mirror. Please check out live interferometric images of the device.
Flexible Optical B.V. presents new 19-channel 30-mm deformable mirror optimized for high-quality correction of low-order Zernike terms.
New, third edition of our Product Guide is out! It contains descriptions of our new mirrors and wavefront sensor configuration, technical drawings of the mirror cases, updated section on the mirror performance and extended FAQ section. Download the new version in pdf-format here or contact us for a hard copy.
A free version of our Windows software for modeling of the response of membrane and piezoelectric deformable mirrors is available for download (Warning, the file size is ~150 MB!).
OKO Technologies announces new 50mm PDM with 37 actuators.
Our article "Correction of low-order aberrations using continuous deformable mirrors" is published in Optics Express.