Simulation of OKO DMs in Zemax

OKO introduces Zemax DLLs  to facilitate realistic simulation of optical systems that include deformable mirrors produced by OKO.  There are two separate libraries for two mirror classes: one is for Micromachined Deformable Mirrors (MMDM) and the other is for Piezoactuated Deformable Mirors (PDM). The libraries are implemented in the form of User Defined Surface (UDS) DLLs for Zemax and can be used in any Zemax model and suitable for every way of analysis. We provide those UDS to facilitate design by customers of their systems utilizing our deformable mirrors. Thus it is possible to evaluate parameters of a particular model of deformable mirror and assess it applicability to some particular application and setup. Also it makes easier to choose between several available mirror models. The configuration data is provided for all round MMDM and PDM models ever produced by Flexible Optical B.V.  Detailed User's manuals are available for the  MMDM version and for the PDM version.  The software is developed by Flexible Optical B.V. in collaboration with Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT/ Chair for Technology of Optical Systems TOS RWTH Aachen University. Part of the development was carried out within the framework of UltraSURFACE European project (H2020-ICT-2015, Project no. 687222).

The software is compatible with 64-bit versions of Zemax and Zemax OpticsStudio  and available for free from our site: oko_mmdm_zemax_1.6_install.exe  (for MMDMs, see manual)  and oko_pdm_zemax_1.0_install.exe (for PDMs)

Figure below shows a screenshot of Zemax modeling session, MMDM is effectively compensates for spherical aberration caused by a lens.

mmdm96 test sph after